BC Liberals promise to match federal funding for Metro Vancouver transit plan


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – In a move timed a little over a month from the election, the BC Liberals have flip-flopped on public transit funding.

TransLink Minister Peter Fassbender now says the provincial government will match federal funding for the Metro Vancouver Mayors 10 Year Transportation Vision — by increasing BC’s contribution from a third to 40 per cent.

It will amount to $2.2-billion.

That’s despite him saying just a week ago that the province would maintain its one third commitment — something he’s repeated throughout our region’s transit funding debate.

Here is the full statement from TransLink Minister Peter Fassbender.

New Westminster Mayor and Chair of the Mayor’s Council Jonathan Cote issued the following statement after the announcement.

“We welcome the provincial government’s commitment to match, dollar for dollar, the $2.2 billion in funding from the federal government for the Millennium Line Broadway Extension and Surrey LRT. Together, this senior government funding represents an important first step to completing the remainder of the 10-Year Vision.

“As the Minister pointed out today, we need to continue to work together before we are collectively ready to deliver the Phase Two Plan and the remainder the 10-Year Vision. But, we have never been closer than we are today to putting shovels in the ground for Phase Two of the Vision.

“As we head into a provincial election campaign, it’s reassuring to see all of the political parties talking about transportation in Metro Vancouver. This is recognition of just how important it is that our governments work together to reduce traffic congestion on our roads and overcrowding on our transit system.

“For our part, the Mayors’ Council is ready to break ground on the Vancouver and Surrey rapid transit projects as soon as possible. But we cannot forget that there are other priority projects and investments that are just as urgent, such as replacing the aging Pattullo Bridge, and upgrading the existing SkyTrain network to address overcrowding and get ready for future demand.

“These and other initiatives are part of the 10-Year Vision – our comprehensive region-wide plan to invest in public transit, roads and active transportation infrastructure. To fully implement this plan, we will need a strong partnership with the next provincial government, and we need more than just funding.

“Next week, the Mayors’ Council intends to lay out a path for the next government to work with us on a full funding strategy and legislative changes needed to complete the 10-Year Vision. We look forward to continuing this important conversation in the lead up to the election.”

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